Rhine-Neckar, 5. May 2023 19:00 to 20:30

The next Heidelberg Talks Online (HTO) session takes place on Friday, May 5, 7-8.30 pm CEST (GMT/UTC +2). The topic will be

Coping with the past – the Armenian Genocide and the 3rd Reich

The speaker will be Dr. Eugene Richard Sensenig, Professor at the Faculty of Law and Political Science (FLPS) at Notre Dame University, Lebanon. He is Austrian-American and has an MA degree in German literature and PhD in International Relations (US occupation studies) from the University of Salzburg/Austria. He is also cofounder of the Lebanese Emigration Research Center (LERC) and director of the Gender, Communications and Global Mobility studies unit at Notre Dame University.

Please register via e-mail at fk-rhein-neckar@daad-alumni.de.